So, what's this Free Stories all about?

I am always hesitant to click unless I know what's up.

I have a newsletter that goes out every three to four weeks. Everyone who subscribes receives by email the first two issues, regardless of when they sign up, then begins receiving the issues  being currently sent out.

Each issue contains: a free story, a little bit about my non-writing life, and some writing news(new or upcoming releases, what I am working on, questions from readers, etc).

The first two issues have the story of how Rosamund and Allan got married and their first days together. After that, you'll be reading about Lady Gertrud and Mr. Theodore Baldwin's adventures during and after this infamous Houseparty. Sometimes sex, sometimes no, but

You can subscribe by clicking on the 'Subscribe for Free Stories' button on the Home, About, or Books pages OR by sending me an email with your name and email to [email protected] with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Please join me on the journey!

Proviso for early subscribers: I am still figuring out this whole website/newsletter deal! Cross your fingers, wish me the best, and please let me know if something goes wrong. You'll know I'm feeling more confident when this message disappears!